Installing the iSCAN PC Application
iSCAN comes with a powerful, easy-to-use PC Application used for:
• UpdatingtheLibrarytothemostcurrentversion
• FormattingandmaintainingtheSDcard
• MakingchangestoiSCAN’sprogrammingandconguration
• UpdatingiSCAN’srmwareforenhancementsandbugxes
Refer to the iSCAN PC Application’s Help system to learn how to use
the iSCAN PC Application.
To install, insert the CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The
iSCAN Application’s installer should start automatically. If it does not,
navigate to your CD-ROM drive and run the iSCANCD.exe program.
To start install, click the “Install Software” button. The following
components will be installed:
• TheiSCANPCApplicationandhelples
• ThecurrentversionofthefrequencydatabaseLibrary
• ThecurrentUSBcabledrivers
Welcome Screen
Click “Next” to begin the
installation process of the
InstallAware Wizard for iSCAN.
Click “Cancel” to abort the
License Agreement
This is the license agreement
with RadioReference.com LLC
for the use of the Library files.
You must accept the license
agreement before you can
install the software.
Check the Accept message
checkbox and then click “Next”
to begin the install.
Setup Type
Choose the options to be
• “Complete”installsallparts
of the iSCAN package.
minimum required features.
• “Custom”allowsyouto
disable installation of some
Select the install type desired,
and then click “Next.”