b Battery Notes:
• Alowbatterywarningsoundsevery30seconds(defaultsetting)
when the batteries are nearly depleted.
• Disposeofbatteriespromptlyandproperly.Donotburnorbury
• Useonlyfreshbatteriesoftherequiredsizeandtype.
• Donotmixoldandnewbatteries,differenttypesofbatteries
different capacities.
• Discontinueuseofanybatterythatexhibitsleakage,swelling,or
abnormal generation of heat.
• IfyoudonotplantousetheiSCANforamonthorlonger,
remove the batteries. Batteries can leak chemicals
that can damage electronic parts.
Using AC Power
1. Press and hold to power off iSCAN.
2. Plug the mini-USB end of the supplied USB cable
into the PC/IF jack and connect the USB end to a
USB power source, such as your computer or an AC
local RadioShack or RadioShack.com).
3. Slide Main Power Cut-Off to the ON position.
4. Press and hold
to power on iSCAN.
n Notes:
• SomeUSBpoweradaptersgenerateRFnoisethat
• TopreventcorruptionofSDcarddata,always
before connecting or
• ExternalelectricpowerissuppliedtotheiSCAN
Using Vehicle Power
1. Press and hold to power off iSCAN.
2. Plug the mini-USB end of the supplied USB cable into the PC/IF
included, available at your local RadioShack or RadioShack.com).
3. Slide Main Power Cut-Off to the ON position.
4. Press and hold
to power on iSCAN.
n Note: If you use a cigarette-lighter USB power cable and your
vehicle’s engine is running, you might hear electrical noise from the
engine while scanning. This is normal.
Charging Ni-MH Batteries
1. Press and hold to power off iSCAN.
2. Make sure Ni-MH batteries are installed and the Battery Type
Selector switch is set to NI-MH.
3. Plug the mini-USB end of the USB cable into the PC/IF slot
and connect the USB end to a USB power source, such as your
computer or an AC USB power adapter.
4. The animated battery icon indicates the batteries are being
5. When
appears instead of , the batteries are fully charged.
High-capacity batteries may take up to 16 hours to charge.
6. Disconnect iSCAN from the power source.
n Notes:
• YoucanuseiSCANwhilechargingbatteries,butitisnot
recommended. The charging current decreases and charging
time becomes long.
• Donotover-chargerechargeablebatteries.Overcharging
shortens battery life.