1 SpeedTouch™ Installation
E-DOC-CTC-20031204-0011 v2.0
1.3 SpeedTouch™ Local Network Setup
Introduction Depending on the SpeedTouch™ variant you have, various solutions are available to
connect your computer(s) to the device:
• The SpeedTouch™350(i) supports Ethernet connectivity only
• The SpeedTouch™360(i) supports both Ethernet connectivity and USB connec-
tivity simultaneously.
Ethernet connectivity Ethernet connectivity is Operating System independent. It can even be used for simulta-
neously connecting multiple computers running various Operating Systems.
See “1.3.1 Ethernet Connection Setup” on page 11 for more information.
USB connectivity The SpeedTouch™360(i) USB port allows you to connect one computer to the Speed-
Touch™ via its USB port. This scenario may be useful in case your computer is not
equipped with an Ethernet port
USB connectivity is supported for following Operating Systems:
• Microsoft Windows OSs
• MS Windows 98/98SE
• MS Windows Millennium
• MS Windows 2000
• MS Windows XP
Before being able to connect to the SpeedTouch™ through the USB connection you
must first install USB drivers. Proceed with “1.3.2 USB Connection Setup for Microsoft
Windows” on page 12.