AX1500 Motor Controller User’s Manual 111
Data Logging in R/C Mode
Output C is a buffered output capable of driving a 2A device at up to 24V. Details on how to
wire this output to user accessories can be found at “Connecting Sensors and Actuators to
Input/Outputs” on page 51.
The output is activated by pushing the joystick to the maximum position. The output turns
back off when the joystick is returned to the center position.
Note: Channel 3 is not available on the controllers equipped with encoder inputs.
Data Logging in R/C Mode
While in R/C Mode, the AX1500 will continuously send a string of characters on the RS232
output line. This string will contain 12 two-digit hexadecimal numbers representing the fol-
lowing operating parameters.
• Captured R/C Command 1 and 2
• Power Applied to Controller’s output stage
• Values applied to Analog inputs 1 and 2
• Amps on channel 1 and 2
• Internal Heat Sink temperatures 1 and 2
• Main Battery voltage
• Internal 12V voltage
• Encoder Speed or Position feedback, if encoder module is present.
The entire string is repeated every 200 milliseconds with the latest internal parameter val-
ues. This information can be logged using the Roborun Utility (see “Viewing and Logging
Data in Analog and R/C Modes” on page 176). It may also be stored in a PDA that can be
placed in the mobile robot.
The string and data format is described in “Analog and R/C Modes Data Logging String For-
mat” on page 156. The serial port’s output can be safely ignored if it is not required in the
Output C
Output C
Output C
FIGURE 73. Using Channel 3 to activate accessory outputs