X Mode ER-380 / ER-380M
X Reports
System reports are divided into two basic categories:
X reports, which read totals without resetting
• Z reports, which read totals and reset them to zero
Most reports are available in both categories. Some reports, such as the Cash-in-Drawer
report and the From-To PLU report are available only as X reports.
Some reports also provide identical but separate period to date reports. These reports
maintain a separate set of totals which may be allowed to accumulate over a period of days,
weeks, months, or even years. X2 reports read period to date totals without resetting, and
Z2 reports read period to date totals and reset them to zero. Period to date totals are updated
each time a Z1 report is completed.
A complete list of available reports is presented in a chart on the following page.
An example is given for each of these reports in the pages that follow. Those reports that
may be optionally abbreviated through register programming are represented twice. They
are first shown with the option off, giving all totals, and again with the option turned on,
showing the abbreviated version of the same report.
Registers programmed with pop-up clerks must be signed on in the REG control lock
position prior to taking reports.
Running a Report - General Instructions
1. Refer to the “Report Table“.
2. Select a report type and the report mode.
3. Turn the control lock to the position indicated.
4. Enter the key sequence for the report you have selected.