Samsung Electronics
Service Manual
S/W Structure and Descriptions
4.4 Network Interface
After polling is started, Status Monitor has to know when it stops the polling. For this reason, the Network
Printer Server should inform of completing job when the printing job is finished.
When Status Monitor requests a job status, the Printer Server returns the job table that contains user id, job
id, and job status (printing or complete or canceled).
4.5 Printer Driver <-> Status Monitor
The Printer Driver and the Status Monitor can set/get some data to the system registry to share the Status Monitor
information such as the polling interval.
When the user wants to set the option of the Status Monitor manually, he or she can set it using the Printer Driver
User Interface. So, if the user set option that the Status Monitor is disabled, the Status Monitor can’s show HTML
Help to the user although the error has occurred while printing.
Printer Driver
Printer Server
(Kernel / NPC)
Job ID
Status Monitor
Status Monitor Data Flow
User ID + Job ID
Printer Data
Request Printer Status
Printer Status
Request Job Status
Job Table
Printer Server
(Kernel / NPC)
Printer Name
Port Name
User ID
Job ID
Printer Server IP Addr
Printer Data
Status Monitor Printer Driver
Set last error status
Get option value
polling interval
Get last error status
Set option value
polling interval