63230-216-207/A3 Chapter 1—Introduction
9/2002 Overview
© 2002 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
OVERVIEW The Power Server is a self-contained device that can be used to transfer
power system information through a web browser and an Ethernet local area
network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN). It is designed specifically for
industrial and commercial applications, making it possible to view system
information from a standard web browser. Figure 1–2 on page 2 illustrates
this application. An optional touch screen display (Square D part no. SD700)
is also available for viewing the Power Server locally.
Using an embedded POWERLOGIC
System Setup application, the Power
Server also provides setup capabilities for system components. The
Power Server can be used to create communications connections and
configure device settings for devices connected to a serial daisy chain, as
well as other Modbus/Jbus devices located on the Ethernet network.
Two models are available. PWRSRV710 is the basic model. The other
model, the PWRSRV750, has the standard features of the PWRSRV710 as
well as enhanced capabilities. These enhanced capabilities include
graphical diagram views, active alarm and alarm log views, and historical
data and waveform report views.
When integrated into a system using System Manager™ Software (SMS),
the Power Server can also serve as an Ethernet gateway for the local
system. As illustrated in Figure 1–3 on page 2, the Power Server provides
Ethernet routing from the SMS application to the devices on the serial daisy
Figure 1–1: Power Server