This chapter explains how to install and use
the Cordless Hand Scanner (CHS) with the
SoMo 650 or other Bluetooth enabled Pocket
PC or mobile computer running Windows
Before you begin the instructions in this
chapter, make sure you have installed the
batteries (and tether, if desired), and charged
the scanner, as described in Chapter 2,
“Hardware Preparation.”
Setup Summary
STEP 1: Uninstall other scanning software.
STEP 2: Install SocketScan and Connect!Agent.*
STEP 3: Start SocketScan.
STEP 4: Configure scanner settings.
STEP 5: Turn on the CHS.
STEP 6: Connect CHS to host device.
STEP 7: Start your application.
STEP 8: Scan bar codes.
Application Features
Symbology Selector
Scanner Settings
Scan Demo
Connect!Agent Utility
*Note: Software installation is not required for the Socket SoMo
650 handheld computer. However, you may want to update the
software if a more recent version of SocketScan or
Connect!Agent is available.