Sonic OS 2.x Quick Start Guide
3. Click ADD, to create a new
entry in the LAN -> WAN
ruleset for our IM users.
4. Select the ALLOW radio
5. For Service, select ANY. We
want to block all access to the
IM registration sites.
6. For Source, select LAN
Subnets. This will apply the
rule to all networks in the LAN
Subnets group.
7. For Destination, select the
custom address object group,
Instant Messengers. You can
add additional IM sites as
8. For Users Allowed, select the custom user group, Allowed IMers.
9. For Schedule, select Always On. Or, you can select a predefined schedule, such as After
Hours. This limits the user’s access to IM programs to only non-work hours. You can also
create your own schedule, if desired.
10. Add your own comments as desired.
11. Click OK to add the new firewall rule.
Note that in the “Users Allowed” field we’ve placed the “Allowed IMers” user group. This means
that the rule will only apply to users who have first logged in with the appropriate username and
password. To use IM programs, a user would first launch a web browser and point it to the
Sonicwall’s LAN IP address (, or whatever that address may be). After
supplying the username and password, the user will be authenticated and will then have rights to use
this rule – in other words, they can launch those IM clients!
Building VPNs
With Sonic OS Enhanced, you will find all of the VPN capabilities of the previous firmware and
more. Some of the new features are:
* The ability to define both a Primary VPN Gateway and a Secondary VPN Gateway for use
in the event the primary is unavailable.
* For interoperability, the ability to define whether to use an IP Address, Domain Name, E-
Mail Address, or the Sonicwall Identifier as a means of authenticating IKE negotiations.
* The ability to specify both the local protected network and the remote network, allowing a
level of granularity that wasn’t before available.