Sun Microsystems 10 Computer Hardware User Manual

Version 3.1-en Solaris 10 Container Guide - 3.1 5. Cookbooks Effective: 30/11/2009
5. Cookbooks
The Cookbooks chapter demonstrates the implementation of conceptional Best Practices with
concrete examples.
5.1. Installation and configuration
5.1.1. Configuration files
[dd] File: /etc/zones/index
Lists all configured zones of a system, incl. zone status and root directory.
# DO NOT EDIT: this file is automatically generated by zoneadm(1M)
# and zonecfg(1M). Any manual changes will be lost.
File: /etc/zones/<zonename>.xml
Contains the configuration of a zone <zonename> and can also be used as a template (zoneadm:
create -t <zone>)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE zone PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc//DTD Zones//EN"
DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Use zonecfg(1M) instead.
<zone name="sparse" zonepath="/zones/sparse" autoboot="false"
<inherited-pkg-dir directory="/lib"/>
<inherited-pkg-dir directory="/platform"/>
<inherited-pkg-dir directory="/sbin"/>
<inherited-pkg-dir directory="/usr"/>
<inherited-pkg-dir directory="/opt"/>
<network address="" physical="bge0"/>
File: /etc/zones/SUNWblank.xml
Determines the standard guideline by which blank zones (command zoneadm create -b) are
<!DOCTYPE zone PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc//DTD Zones//EN"
<zone name="blank" zonepath="" autoboot="false">
File: /etc/zones/SUNWdefault.xml
Determines the standard guideline by which default zones (sparse root) are created (do not change).
<!DOCTYPE zone PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc//DTD Zones//EN"
<zone name="default" zonepath="" autoboot="false">
<inherited-pkg-dir directory="/lib"/>
<inherited-pkg-dir directory="/platform"/>
<inherited-pkg-dir directory="/sbin"/>
<inherited-pkg-dir directory="/usr"/>
File: /var/sadm/install/gz-only-packages
Lists all packages that were installed in the global zone with pkgadd -G and are not used for the
creation of local zones. This file should not be modified manually.