PTC-860 optical models (PTC-860, PTC-860ES, and PTC-860NI)
This manual collectively refers to all three PTC-860 optical
models as PTC-860. Instances in which PTC-860 refers
specifically to the PTC-860 unit will be obvious (for instance, in
a comparison between models). To determine which model you
have, refer to the “Models” section on page 15.
Unpacking the PTC-860
The PTC-860 is shipped in a single box containing
a PTC-860, PTC-860ES, or PTC-860NI,
an 800-mAhr AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack or a
plastic battery case containing four AA alkaline
a battery charger,
a bar-code reader (if ordered),
the Guide to the PTC-860 Optical Models,
the Guide to the FLASH Utilities (TCAL or MS-DOS
Version), and
the Guide to Maintaining NiCd Batteries.
Any additional accessories are shipped in separate boxes with
their own manuals.