
114 S100 User Guide – Rev. D – June 2005
SyncServer S100
How to install NTP v4 on a UNIX system
Requirements: A Unix system with compiler, standard tools and openssl installed.
1. Download NTP tarball from
2. Extract the source using tar -xvf <ntp tarball>
3. Run the configuration and specify autokey using
./configure --with-
4. Run make.
5. Make install.
How to configure an NTP v4 client to connect to an NTP v4 server with the autokey scheme
1. Create or modify /etc/ntp.conf and add a server line using vi (server <ipaddress>
2. Run
ntpd and verify proper operation.
How to verify NTP v4 autokey client connectivity with an NTP v4 server
To confirm that a secure NTP v4 session with autokey has been established with a server, do
one of the following :
ntpdc command showpeer <server ip> and look for the auth flag
ntpq command associations and look for auth category (ok)
3. Run ntpd -ddd and watch output for crypto statements and packet sizes
How to install your S100
All information about this is covered in “Installing Your S100” on page 19.
How to get time using dial-up
See “Dialup Settings dialog” on page 38 for details about this.
How to get time using GPS
See “GPS” on page 35.