Telenetics CDMA Network Router User Manual

AT Commands
Table A-2. S-register Commands
Parameter Description
0 Auto-answer (0-255; 0 disables auto-answer)
3 Carriage Return character (default is 13 ASCII)..
4 Line Feed character (default is 10 ASCII)
5 Backspace character (default is 8 ASCII).
6 Pause duration (2-10 seconds) before blind dialing (default is 2 seconds).
7 Duration (1-255 seconds) to complete an end-to-end data connection
(default is 50 seconds).
8 Duration (0-255 seconds) to pause when a comma is encountered in a Dial
string (default is 2 seconds).
9 Carrier detect threshold, from 0-22 tenths of a second (default is 6).
10 Number of tenths of a second (1-254) from carrier loss to disconnect
(default is 14).
11 DTMF tone duration and spacing, from 50-255 milliseconds (default is 95).
Table A-3. Basic Action Commands
Parameter Description
A Go off-hook, answer incoming call.
D 0 to 9, *, #, A, B, C, D,
T, P, W, @, !, $, ;, ,
Dial digits that follow the D command.
HO Disconnect and return to Command Mode.
O Return to Online mode from Command Mode.
A/ Repeat last command
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