Telenetics CDMA Network Router User Manual

AT Commands
Table A-7. Result Codes
Number Word Description
0 OK The OMEGA CDMA Modem executed a command line without
1 CONNECT The OMEGA CDMA Modem has made a data connection with
another modem.
2 RING The OMEGA CDMA Modem has detected an incoming call.
3 NO CARRIER A carrier from the remote modem was lost or was not present.
4 ERROR The OMEGA CDMA Modem found an error in your typed
command line.
6 NO
The OMEGA CDMA Modem did not detect a dial tone before the
timeout period specified by Register S7 elapsed (default time is
50 seconds).
7 BUSY The OMEGA CDMA Modem has detected a busy signal.
8 NOANSWER Five seconds of silence were not detected after a ring.
Using S-Registers
S-Registers are addresses of places in memory where various timing parameters, redefinitions of
selected ASCII characters, and other configuration settings are stored. The OMEGA CDMA
Modem provides S registers for setting modem configuration parameters and establishing
modem default behavior. To display S-Registers, use the command ATSr?, where r is the
register’s number. For example, issuing the command ATS0? displays the contents or setting for
S-Register 0.
To set an S-Register value, use the command ATSr=n, where r is the register’s number and n is
the new register value. For example: issuing the command ATS0=2 changes the setting for S-
Register 0 to 2. This setting tells the OMEGA CDMA Modem to automatically answer incoming
calls after the second ring.
Note: If you do not write an S-Register setting with &W, the setting will be retained
only until the next reset or power off.
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