6 TOSHIBA XM-6401B/TXM6401F1 CD-ROM Drive
Terminator ON/OFF Jumper
This jumper turns termination power ON or OFF. If you are “daisy-
chaining” a series of SCSI devices (connecting more than one SCSI
device to your system), and the XM-6401B CD-ROM is not at the
end of the chain, you must remove the jumper.
Eject Prevention Jumper
This jumper is used to inhibit the operation of the drive’s EJECT but-
ton. When jumper is set to ON (jumper present), the EJECT button
will not operate. Setting the jumper to OFF (no jumper present) will
allow the EJECT button to operate.
Test/Audio Reproduction Jumper
The TEST jumper should be set to OFF (no jumper present). Setting it
in the ON position (jumper present) will provide audio disc reproduc-
tion (note: SCSI-ID must be set to 0). In audio mode the CD will
begin at track 1 and continue to the end of the CD. To advance to the
next track, push eject button for less than a second. Pushing the button
for more than a second opens the CD tray. When you are in audio disc
reproduction mode, commands from the host computer are ignored.
Power Supply Jumper (Termination Power Jumper)
Toshiba SCSI CD-ROM drives can supply power to other equipment
on the SCSI BUS. When the jumper is ON, the drive will supply
termination power. At least one device on the SCSI BUS must supply
the termination power. If you’re not sure if any other device supplies
termination power, it is fine to leave the jumper ON.