Chapter 8
USB Settings
4. Access Your USB Disk via Internet
Now different clients with Internet connection can access the USB disk:
• To download, open a web browser and type the server address ftp://<WAN IP
address of the modem router>:<port number> (such as ftp://
or ftp://<domain name of the modem router>:<port number> (such as ftp ://
MyDomainName:21) in the address bar, then press Enter on the keyboard.
• To upload, use a third-party app for network files management.
• Use a third-party app for network files management.
Click Set Up a Dynamic DNS Service Account to learn how to set up a domain name for you modem router.
8. 2. 2. Customize Your Settings
¾ To Only Share Specific Content
By default, Share All is enabled so all content on the USB disk is shared. If you want to
only share specific folders, follow the steps below:
1. Visit http://tplinkmodem.net, then log in with the password you set for the modem
2. Select Basic > USB Settings > Sharing Access. Focus on the section of Folder Sharing.
Click the button to disable Share All, then click Add to add a new sharing folder.