IP address of the router not to respond to ping commands. Pinging public WAN IP addresses
is a common method used by hackers to test whether your WAN IP address is valid.
WAN Ping Inbound Filter: Select a filter that controls access as needed for WAN pings. If you
do not see the filter you need in the list of filters, go to the Advanced -> Inbound Filter screen
and create a new filter.
MAC Cloning Enabled: Some ISP's may check your computer's MAC address. Each
networking device has it's own unique MAC address defined by the hardware manufacturer.
Some ISP's record the MAC address of the network adapter in the computer or router used to
initially connect to their service. The ISP will then only grant Internet access to requests from a
computer or router with this particular MAC address. Your new Wireless router has a different
MAC address than the computer or router that initially connected to the ISP. To resolve this
problem, the Wireless router has a special feature that allows you to clone (that is, replace the
router's MAC address with) another MAC address.
MAC Address: If you have enabled MAC Cloning, you can either type in an alternate MAC
address (for example, the MAC address of the router initially connected to the ISP) or copy the
MAC address of a PC. To copy the MAC address of the computer that initially connected to the
ISP, connect to the Wireless router using that computer and click the Clone Your PC's MAC
Address button. The WAN port will then use the MAC address of the network adapter in your