
6.2.2 Local Console OSD Navigation
When in the Local Console OSD, you can use your keyboard and mouse to access its features.
• TocloseoutoftheLocal Console OSD, click the [X] attheupperrightcorneroftheOSDorpressthe[Esc] key.
• Tologout,pressthe[F8] key, click the F8 atthetopoftheOSD,orclickthezZzsymbolintheupperrighthandcorneroftheOSD.
• TomovethroughtheOSDlistonelineatatime,clicktheupanddowntrianglesymbols( , ) or use the [ ] and [ ] keyboard keys. If there are
more entries than appear on the screen, the screen will scroll.
• Tomoveupordownonescreenatatime,clicktheUpandDownArrowsymbols(
), or use the [Pg Up] and [Pg Dn] keyboard keys. If there
are more entries than appear on the screen, the screen will scroll.
• Toactivateaport,double-clickit,orhighlightitandpressthe [Enter]key.Onceaportisaccessed,theOSDwillcloseandthescreenofthe
computer connected to the port will be displayed.
6.3 Logging Into the KVM over IP
TherearethreemethodsthatcanbeusedtoconnecttotheKVMswitchoverIP;Web Browser, AP Windows Client and AP Java Client.
6. KVM Operation
6.3.1 Logging In via Web Browser
1. OpenyourwebbrowserandtypeintheIPaddressoftheKVM.
(See Network Setup – IP Address Configuration section in the
2. A screen will appear asking you to provide a username and password.
Note: If you are first prompted by a screen that says the website’s
security certificate cannot be trusted, click on the link to proceed
anyway; the certificate can be trusted.
3. IfaccessingtheKVMforthersttime,enterintheusername
administrator and the password password. For security purposes,
it is strongly recommended that you change the username and
password on this account to something unique. When you have
appear with the following page displayed:
6.3.2 Logging In via the AP Windows Client
Note: The AP Windows Client requires that DirectX 8.0 or higher be
installed on your computer.
1. SavetheAPWindowsClientfromtheCDtoadesiredlocationon
your Windows computer.
2. Double-clickonthele,andfollowtheinstallationinstructionsthat
3. When the installation is complete, an icon will be added to your
desktop, and a program entry will be made in the Windows start
menu. (Start > All Programs > B022-U08-IP)Double-clickonthe
icon or select the program entry in the start menu to open the AP
Windows Client.
4. Ifthisisthersttimethatyouarerunningtheutility,adialogbox
appears requesting you to input your serial number. The serial
the serial number (5 characters per box), then click OK.