S1857 Trinity 371
Connecting Com and Printer Ports
Warning: When plugging in your keyboard and mouse, or when plugging
anything into a serial or Com port, make sure that the power is off. Connecting
these devices and ports while the power is on is called hot plugging, and
may damage your system.
Figure 2-25 at the top of the this page shows the ATX double row connectors
on this board. The Com and Printer ports, as well as the other ports, are
You are done!
Other than checking the jumper settings and cable connections and putting
the case back on, you are done. Installing a new motherboard may sound
difficult, but by following these directions, you should have a fairly uneventful
time installing our products. If you do encounter problems, your dealer will be
able to help you, or you can consult one of our many technical support
resources (see page 8).
Figure 2-25