Sportster Winmodem 33600 & x2/56K - User's manual 65
The modem uses MNP 2-4 and MNP 5 error correction and data
compression techniques that are incorporated in
recommendation ITU-T V.42.
Non Volatile Random Access Memory which can be
programmed by the user with data that are stored when the
modem is powered down. The modem includes this kind of
memory to store a default configuration defined by the user and
loaded into random access memory (RAM) upon power up.
Error detection method that checks the correctness of
transmitted characters. Verification of characters has
been replaced by more reliable and efficient block
control methods, including Xmodem types of protocols and the
ARQ protocol implemented in the modem. Two communicating
computers must use the same kind of parity.
Set of rules and procedures describing communications between
different devices. Protocols vary, but communications equipment
must use the same protocol in order to exchange data. Data
formats, the ready to receive or transmit states, error detection
and correction are some of the operations that can be defined in
Remote Echo
A copy of the data received by the remote system is sent back
to the transmitting system and displayed on the screen. Remote
echo is a function of the remote system and is often used in full
duplex transmissions.
Hardware check used to tell an intelligent device to stop or
resume data transmission.