
Port Forwarding
The Port Forwarding feature forwards incoming trac from the internet to a particular connected
device. To use any of the common server applications listed, follow these steps:
Select the Enable Port Forwarding check box.
On the Port Forwarding section of the Port Forwarding screen, type the computer's IP
Address in the IP Address of Connected Device eld beside the Application name.
Enable the corresponding Application on this screen by selecting its check box.
Save your changes by clicking Save.
Tell the person or company that needs port forwarding to connect to the MiFi4620L's IP address (by
default, this is http://admin.mi or Connection requests are forwarded to the IP
address specied in step 3.
IMPORTANT When no longer needed, Port Forwarding should be disabled on this screen
by de-selecting its check box, and saving change(s) by clicking Save. Leaving applications
enabled unnecessarily creates a security risk.