Confi guration
5.5.4. The Invalid Access Lockout Feature
When properly configured and enabled, the Invalid Access Lockout feature
will watch all login attempts made at a given port. If the port exceeds the
selected number of invalid attempts, then that port will be automatically
disabled for a user-defined length of time.
Note that when an Invalid Access Lockout occurs, you can either wait for the
Lockout Duration period to elapse, or issue the /UL command to instantly
unlock all ports.
Note: The Invalid Access Lockout feature can be individually
enabled/disabled at each port.
The Invalid Access Lockout Feature is configured and enabled using the
Port Parameters Menu for the desired port. When "Invalid Access Lockout"
is selected, the APS-8/16M will display a submenu which allows you to
configure the following parameters:
1. Lockout Access: Enables/Disables Invalid Access Lockout at this port.
2. Lockout Attempts: The number of invalid access attempts required to
trigger the Invalid Access Lockout feature.
3. Lockout Duration: The length of time that ports will remained locked
when an Invalid Access Lockout occurs. Note that if the duration is set to
"0", the port will remained locked until the /UL command is issued.