• When a Modem Mode Port exits command mode, or the DCD line
is lost while command mode is active, the APS-8/16M will pulse the
DTR line to the modem. The unit will then send the user-defined
modem command strings to make certain the modem is properly
disconnected and reinitialized.
• All APS-8/16M RS232 ports can use both the unit’s internal modem
and external modem(s) installed at another RS232 port, providing
that the port password allows access to the desired modem port. To
call out, invoke the /C command to connect to the port, and then
access the modem as you normally would.
• If desired, the Invalid Access Lockout Feature can be configured to
completely shut down a port after a user-defined number of invalid
access attempts are detected. For more information on the Invalid
Access Lockout Feature, please refer to Section 5.5.4.