Xerox 4650 Printer User Manual

line feed Control character that (unless set to be interpreted as a line end)
causes the printing system to begin printing in the current
character position of the next line.
literal Alphanumeric character beginning with a letter, including an
asterisk, period, colon, or slash, and not enclosed in single
logical page In Xerox printing systems, a logical page is a formatted page that
is smaller than the physical page. A logical page is defined by an
origin, thus allowing more than one logical page to be placed on
a physical page.
lpi Lines per inch.
LPS Laser printing system.
mask Selection of bits from a storage unit by use of an instruction that
eliminates the other bits in the unit. In accessing files, a file
name mask is used to reference one or more files with similar
file-id (identifier) syntax. In Interpress, a mask serves as a
template, indicating the shape and position of an object on a
metacode Method of controlling the image generator. The character
dispatcher uses these codes to generate scan line information.
This information is sent in the form of character specifications to
the image generator, which uses it to compose the bit stream
that modulates the laser. Also called native mode.
monochrome Printing in one color only.
nesting Subroutine or set of data, such as a comment, contained
sequentially within another set of data.
object file Source file converted into machine language (binary code).
octal System of representing numbers based on 8.
offset To place printed output sets in slightly different positions from
each other in an output bin for easy separation of collated sets.
operand That which is acted upon, for example, data, in an operation or
operating system Software that controls the low-level tasks in a computer system,
such as input or output and memory management. The
operating system is always running when the computer is active.