Advanced Vector Routing
6-12 Issue 4 September 1995
Figure 6-6. Rolling ASA Routing
Step 1 queues the call to the main split. If the main split is currently answering
calls within the target time of 30 seconds Step 2 bypasses all of the backup splits
and goes directly to the announcement in Step 6. The assumption is that the call
will be handled by split 10 within the time constraints. However, if the call is not
answered by the time vector processing reaches Step 8, the backup splits are
checked at that time.
If the rolling ASA for the main split is greater than 30 seconds, Steps 3, 4, and 5
check backup splits. The call is queued to any of these splits that have a rolling
ASA of 30 seconds or less. If the call still is not answered by the time vector
processing reaches Step 8, then the backup splits are checked again.
VDN Calls
VDN Calls routing allows you to make routing decisions based on the number of
incoming trunk calls that are currently active in a VDN. With the VDN Calls
conditional, a vector can be used to limit the number of simultaneous calls made
to a particular VDN. For example, if a service agency is contracted to handle 100
simultaneous calls for a client, calls in excess of that number can be routed to a
When Advanced Vector Routing is enabled, a count of active incoming trunk
calls is kept for each VDN. The VDN counter is incremented each time an
incoming call is placed to the VDN. It is decremented each time an incoming call
is released. A call is considered active in a VDN from the time the call routes to
the VDN until all parties on the call have been dropped and the call is released.
The call is counted for the originally called VDN only. When a call is routed
to another VDN, the call counter for the subsequent VDN is not
incremented. And, the call counter for the original VDN is not decremented.
1. queue-to main split 10 pri h
2. goto step 6 if rolling-asa for split 10 <= 30
3. check-backup split 11 pri h if rolling-asa <= 30
4. check-backup split 12 pri h if rolling-asa <= 30
5. check-backup split 13 pri h if rolling-asa <= 30
6. announcement 10000
7. wait-time 40 secs hearing music
8. goto step 3 if unconditionally