x Issue 4 September 1995
■ Distributed Call Centers 11-8
■ Help Desk 11-10
■ Insurance Agency/Service Agency 11-11
■ Warranty Service (with EAS) 11-15
■ Resort Reservation Service (with EAS) 11-20
Placing the Reservation 11-20
Specific Number Dialing 11-20
General Number Dialing 11-21
Call-Back Provisions 11-22
■ Vector Exercises 11-23
Exercise 1: Emergency and Routine Service 11-24
Exercise 2: Late Caller Treatment 11-26
Exercise 3: Messaging Option 11-28
A Call Vectoring Commands A-1
■ Introduction A-1
■ Command Description/Reference A-2
■ Command/Option Summary A-3
■ Command Job Aid A-5
■ Command Directory A-14
A Adjunct Routing Command A-15
Purpose A-15
Syntax A-15
Valid Entries A-15
Requirements A-15
Example A-15
Operation A-15
Answer Supervision Considerations A-18
Feature Interactions A-19
CMS Interactions A-19