Issue 4 September 1995 3-1
Fundamentals of Call Vectoring
The manner in which a call is processed depends upon a number of components
within both the DEFINITY System and the Call Vectoring software. Some of these
components include the following:
■ Resources available to process a call (for example, agents, splits,
software, hardware)
■ Vector control flow
■ Commands used within the relevant vector(s)
A prudent utilization of these components will produce an effective means of
processing telephone calls. This chapter discusses these components, which
constitute the fundamentals of Call Vectoring.
Call Management
When a call is placed to a PBX with Call Vectoring activated, the call accesses
the appropriate vector(s) via a Vector Directory Number (VDN). A VDN is a ‘‘soft’’
extension number not assigned to an equipment location. Each VDN maps to
one vector, and several VDNs may map to the same vector. (The VDN is fully
discussed later in this chapter).
Once the call goes to a vector, the call’s routing and treatment are determined by
the commands in the vector. Processing starts at the first step and then
proceeds usually sequentially through the vector. Any steps left blank are
skipped, and the process automatically stops after the last step in the vector.