Considerations for the Call Vectoring Features
C-8 Issue 4 September 1995
User Scenario — Saving in Trunk Facilities
Between Call Centers
A customer can also use VDN Return Destination to return a call to a local agent
after the call is transferred to a remote destination (call). This will eliminate the
need for the remote agent to transfer the caller back to a local agent and will
save in switch trunk facilities, since each time the call is transferred back to a
local agent an additional trunk is being used by the call.
For example, calls can be received at the local call through a VDN that has the
return destination administered. These calls will be delivered to an agent on the
local switch. If the local agent transfers the call to a remote destination (because
the caller needed to talk to an agent on the remote switch), the call will return to
the Return Destination after the remote switch drops the call. The remote switch
agent must inform the caller to remain on the line after they are finished and the
remote agent just needs to disconnect from the call (hang up).
The Return Destination for this scenario should include an "announcement"
vector command at the beginning to inform the caller to disconnect from the call,
if they do not want to be reconnected to an agent on the local switch. A sample
Return Destination vector will be as follows:
Figure C-3. Sample Return Destination Vector with
1. announcement 1004 ("Please remain on the line, if you want
to talk a to another representative")
2. queue-to main split 101 pri m
3. announcement 1005 ("All our representatives are busy,
please wait")
4. wait-time 60 secs hearing silence
5. goto step 3 if unconditionally