Issue 4 September 1995 vii
7 ANI and II-Digits Routing 7-1
■ Introduction 7-1
■ Command Set 7-1
■ ANI Routing 7-1
ANI Routing Example 7-2
Vector Routing Tables with ANI 7-3
■ II-Digits Routing 7-5
II-Digits Routing Example 7-7
8 Look-Ahead Interflow 8-1
■ Introduction 8-1
■ Command Set 8-1
■ Functions and Examples 8-2
Two Switch Configuration 8-3
Sending Switch Operation 8-3
Receiving Switch Operation 8-4
Tandem Switch Configuration 8-9
Sending Switch Operation 8-10
Tandem Switch Operation 8-10
Far End Switch Operation 8-11
DNIS and VDN Override in an LAI Environment 8-11
Answering Agent’s Display 8-11
Originator’s Display 8-12
Look-Ahead Interflow with AT&T Network
Alternate Destination Redirection (ADR) 8-13
9 Adjunct Routing 9-1
■ Introduction 9-1
■ Functions and Examples 9-1
Sending the Call Route Request 9-2
Effects of ASAI Link Failure on Vector Processing9-3
Awaiting the Response to the Call Route Request 9-5