Interactions Involving EAS
Issue 4 September 1995
Multiple Monitors
Multiple Monitors provides the ability for up to three ASAI applications to monitor
the same ACD Split or VDN domain.
This is not only helpful in environments were ICM is primary, it can also be used
to add an OCM application to launch calls at off-peak times without disrupting
the primary application in any way. Multiple Monitors can also be used to
monitor an ACD split over 2 links in call environments where ASAI link failure
recovery is important.
Value Queries
Value queries function identically in the EAS and traditional environments, except
that the Extension Type/Class Information Query returns a new indication that a
requested extension is an EAS Login ID along with an indication of whether the
Login ID is currently logged in and where (in other words, at which physical
Event Notification
Because all skill hunt groups are vector-controlled, event notification may not be
requested on the basis of a skill hunt group extension. Event notification may,
however, be requested on the basis of a controlling VDN extension. Generally, all
event reports involving EAS agents contain the agent’s physical extension rather
than the agent’s Login ID.
Adjunct-Controlled Skills
Agents with adjunct-controlled skills are considered to be adjunct-controlled
agents. Adjunct-controlled agents exhibit the same behavior as agents within
adjunct-controlled splits in the traditional ACD environment. The following list
provides more details:
■ Stations are locked for all logged-in adjunct-controlled agents. The only
action an agent can take from the station is to go onhook (or unplug the
headset) from an auto-answer station, which causes the agent to be
logged out.
■ Stations are unlocked whenever the controlling adjunct’s ASAI link goes
down. Stations are locked again when the adjunct’s link is reestablished.
■ The adjunct controls all skill/agent activities such as login, logout and
change work-mode (with the exception of agent logout via onhook).
■ Only adjunct-controlled calls can terminate to the extension of an adjunct-
controlled agent.
■ Only adjunct-controlled calls can terminate to an adjunct-controlled skill
hunt group extension.