Call Vectoring Commands
A-84 Issue 4 September 1995
converse-on split
Fails if any of the following are true:
■ Converse split queue is full.
■ Converse split is not vector-controlled.
■ Auto-available split is in effect, and all
agents are logged out by Redirection
on No Answer (RONA).
Continue vector
processing with the
next sequential step.
Otherwise: Succeeds, call is delivered to
the converse split, and (if administered)
digits are outpulsed to the VRU. The caller
is connected to the VRU, the voice
response script is executed, and (if
necessary) digits are outpulsed to the
Continue vector
processing with the
next sequential step.
Always succeeds. Play the
announcement (if
specified). Then
drop the call.
goto step
Fails if the step condition is not met. Continue vector
processing with the
next sequential step.
Succeeds if the step condition is met. Continue vector
processing with the
destination step.
goto vector
Fails if the step condition is not met. Continue vector
processing with the
next sequential step.
Succeeds if the step condition is met. Continue vector
processing with the
first nonblank step of
the destination
Table A-11. Call Vectoring Command Success/Failure Criteria
Command Success/Failure Criteria
Vector Processing