124 CyberSWITCH
When a local host ARPs for a remote host, the CyberSWITCH (with Proxy ARP enabled)
determines if it provides the best route to the destination. If it does, it will reply to the ARP request
with its own MAC address.
• Suppose Host A wishes to contact Host D. Since Host A thinks every other host is local, it will
broadcast an ARP request. The CyberSWITCH, which is on the same physical wire as Host A,
will receive the ARP request on one of its LAN network interfaces. The CyberSWITCH makes
the determination that it provides the best route to Host D, and generates an ARP response con-
taining its own MAC address. Host A then communicates with Host D by sending packets to
the CyberSWITCH edge router. The CyberSWITCH forwards packets to the remote destination
using standard IP routing.
• Suppose Host B wishes to contact Host C. Host B broadcasts an ARP request. The CyberSWITCH
knows that Host C is reachable over a WAN (Direct Host) interface; Host C is considered a log-
ical extension of network 1.x.x.x. The CyberSWITCH generates an ARP response, containing its
own MAC address. Host B then communicates with Host C by sending packets to the Cyber-
SWITCH. The CyberSWITCH forwards the packets over the WAN to Host C.
You only need to configure Static Routing entries if you need to access a WAN network that is not
directly connected to the system, or if you need to access a LAN network through a router that does
not support IP RIP. Static Routes specify the IP address of the next hop router or gateway that
provides access to this network.
1. Select Static Routes from the IP menu.
2. When asked if this is a default route, answer “N” for no (for a definition of default routes, refer
to Configuring Default Routes).
3. Enter the destination address of the designation (sub-) network or host.
4. Enter the subnet mask.
5. Enter the next hop address of the next hop gateway that provides access to the target (sub-)
network or host.
6. Enter the metric value (usually the number of routers between the CyberSWITCH and the
7. Enter the IP RIP propagation control (determines how a static route is propagated via IP RIP).