594 CyberSWITCH
call minutes (month)
The total call minutes that have been logged for the month.
calls (day)
The total number of calls that have been made for the day.
calls (month)
The total number of calls that have been made for the month.
There are two sets of statistics available related to an X.25 access: statistics for the access itself, and
statistics for specific Virtual Circuits (VCs) used by the X.25 access.
You can access these statistics by issuing the
x25 stats
console command. The statistics
displayed will be associated with the currently selected Access and LCN.
Local Address
The X.121 address of the local DTE.
Subnet ID
The subnet Id of the local DTE.
# Max Connections
The maximum number of active VCs allowed at any time.
# Active Conn
The number of currently active VCs.
# Max Conn Active
The maximum number of VCs that can be active at any time.
# Conn Failed
The number of VCs that have failed.
# Normal Disconnect
The number of SVC connections that terminated normally.
# Abnrml Disconnect
The number of VC connections that terminated due to LAPB problems.
# Packets Sent count
The number of X.25 data packets sent.
# Packets Received
The number of X.25 data packets received.
# Resets Sent count
The number of resets sent.