158 CyberSWITCH
6. For Frame Relay devices:
Note: You must first configure the Frame Relay Access. Instructions for configuring the
access is found in the Frame Relay Accesses section of the Configuring Alternate Accesses
Begin by selecting Frame Relay from the Device Table Menu. A screen similar to the following
is displayed:
This screen will reflect your previously configured access information for a permanent virtual
circuit associated with the device. This information is not configurable in this location.
Notes: If you receive the following message, ensure that the PVC Name matches the device
No pvc configured for Device "DAN"
In order to associate a device to a specific PVC, you must also provide authentication
information (see step 9).
7. For X.25 devices:
Note: You must first configure the X.25 Access. Instructions for configuring the access is
found in the X.25 Accesses section of the Configuring Alternate Accesses chapter.
Begin by selecting X.25 from the Device Table Menu. If the X.25 access is configured for both
PVCs and SVCs, select the type of virtual circuit for the device:
Device Frame Relay Menu: (Device = "DAN")
Access Name DLCI Protocol
1) PVC Information DANACCESS 16 PPP
You cannot change this information from within this menu.
Press any key to continue
Select the type of the Virtual Circuit
1) Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC)
2) Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) [default 2]: