Workgroup Remote Access Switch 619
cdr stats clear (GUEST) clears current call detail recording statistics
cdr verify (GUEST) verifies call detail recording servers are configured
cfg provides information on changes to configuration files
cfgedit starts the CFGEDIT configuration utility
cls (GUEST) clears administration screen
cmp stats displays the compression connection statistics for all
active connections
cmp stats <device name> displays the compression connection statistics for the
specified device
cmp clear <device name> clears all the compression statistics for the specified device
cmp clearall clears all active connection compression statistics
cr stats displays the call restriction statistics
cs (GUEST) displays connected device information
date <month, day, year> changes the date as specified
del <filename> deletes specified file
dhcp stats displays DHCP statistics
dhcp stats clear clears DHCP statistics
dir displays all files in flash file system
disc device <device name> disconnects all calls to the specified device
dr (GUEST) displays message reports
ds (GUEST) displays system statistics
er erases current system messages in memory
es erases current system statistics in memory
exit (GUEST) terminates a session
flash reclaim searches the flashfile system for files marked as deleted,
then reclaims space
flash recover starts the remote upgrade
perform only upon recommendation of Customer
flash update use only when you need to update parts of flash array
fr a <frame relay access “n”> sets frame relay access index to “n” as default context for
all subsequent “fr” console commands