Workgroup Remote Access Switch 545
LAN Commands
The following commands are used to display current system LAN diagnostic information:
lan stats
Displays the current LAN packet forwarding statistics, including the number of frames
received and transmitted from LAN and WAN connections. Refer to LAN Statistics, for a list of
available statistics and their definitions.
lan stat clear
Clears the current LAN packet forwarding statistics.
lan test
Transmits a test message onto the LAN and test for proper LAN connections. If the transmit is
successful, the following message will be displayed:
LAN port <port #> Transmit was successful
If the transmit fails, refer to the section titled LAN Attachment to determine the reason for the
The following commands control the report logging feature for the system’s subsystems.
log cdr display
Displays the local call detail recording report log.
log cdr erase
Erases the local call detail recording log report.
log cdr write
Writes the local CDR log to disk. The file is written to the \LOG directory. The file name is
“CDR_LOG”. The file extension is .1, .2, and so on up to .10. The file extension cycles through
the extension values with each write command, similar to the current report log file and status
log file, so that the ten most recent versions of the CDR log are available on the system disk.
In many applications, it is often desirable to monitor incoming LAN data. The
will allow you to capture, display, save, and load bridged or routed data packets.
You must configure the terminal setting the same for Telnet and the terminal emulation package.
To do this, use the
term set
Note: Packet capture commands are available for both local and remote (Telnet) connections.
The following diagnostic packet commands are available:
pkt [on/off]
Enables or disables the Packet Capture feature.