542 CyberSWITCH
ip stats
Displays the current IP related statistics. Refer to IP Statistics, for a list of available statistics and
their definitions.
IPX routing must be enabled before these commands can be used.
The following commands are used to display IPX routing information:
ipx ipxwan clear
Clears IPXWAN statistics.
ipx ipxwan stats (device)
Displays system-level IPXWAN statistics when device name not specified:
Displays Negotiation Parameters when device name specified and connected:
ipx diag <host ipx address> [timeout]
Tests device connectivity to specified IPX host by sending out a diag packet. If connection is up,
host sends a message in response to this packet to confirm receipt. The parameters for this
command are:
host ipx address
IPX address for the host, in <network number>:<node number> format. The network number
is a hexadecimal number up to eight digits in length. The node number is the host’s MAC
address. For example, if the assigned network number of “AAAA,” and the host has a MAC
address of 40AA68965439. For this example, you would enter “AAAA:40AA68965439” for the
host IPX address.
Optional parameter that indicates the number of seconds to wait for a reply. The valid range
for the time out value is 1 to 60 seconds. The default value is 10.
IPXWAN Statistics
Timer Request = Timer Response =
Information Request = Information Response =
Thruput Request = Thruput Response =
Delay Request = Delay Response =
NACK Sent = NACK Received =
Bad Packets =
WAN Statistics for device “xxxx”
Negotiation Parameters:
IPX Network Address = IPX Node Number =
Telebit Compression = Protocol =
WAN Link Delay =