Workgroup Remote Access Switch 403
IPX Routing and Service Tables
The routing table on the CyberSWITCH is full.
The number of entries in the routing table is a configurable entity. This parameter may be between
the values of 20 and 3072, and should be based on system need and system memory constraints.
We recommend this value be at least 10% more than what you predict to be needed (more than 10%
with larger network topologies). To predict need, use the following formula:
1 + (2 x # configured IPX network interfaces) + (# configured static routes) + (# RIP routes)
1. Determine number of needed entries in routing table:
• Issue the IPX route stats command to determine number of configured static routes and RIP
• from Manage Mode, issue ipxnetif command to determine number of network interfaces;
• plug this data into previously-described formula.
2. Run CFGEDIT. From Options, select IPX Routing.
3. Select IPX RIP Table maximum number...
4. Increase the size of the table based upon your calculations.
The service table on the CyberSWITCH is full.
The number of entries in the service table is a configurable entity. This parameter may be between
the values of 20 and 3072, and should be based on system need and system memory constraints.
We recommend this value be at least 10% more than what you predict to be needed (more than 10%
with larger network topologies). To predict need, use the following formula:
(# configured static services) + (# SAP services)
1. Determine number of needed entries in service table:
• Issue the IPX service stats command to determine number of configured static services and
SAP services;
• plug this data into previously-described formula.
2. Run CFGEDIT. From Options, select IPX Routing.
3. Select IPX SAP Table maximum number...
4. Increase the size of the table based upon your calculations.