Tape Handling and Storage Advantages
Magnetic tape storage and handling costs can be decreased when tape data
capacity increases. Table 30 illustrates that the cartridge storage capacity of a
3490 subsystem is contrasted with available capacity improvements. As the
compression ratio depends on dataset characteristics and the operating
environment, three typical compression ratios (1:1, 2:1, and 3:1) are listed.
Handling costs can also be reduced with the use of a cartridge stack loader,
which can hold five cartridges. Further handling cost reductions are possible
with a 3590 Model E11 or B11 drive that has an Automatic Cartridge Facility
(ACF). The ACF can be loaded with 10 cartridges, excluding priority slots.
Table 30. Cartridge Capacity
Subsystem and Cartridge Selections
Capacity of a
Capacity of 5
Cartridges in
a Loader
Capacity of 10
Cartridges in
an ACF
3490 subsystem with Cartridge System Tape 0.2GB 1.0GB N/A
3490 subsystem with Cartridge System Tape
and IDRC ratio of 2 to 1
0.4GB 2.0GB N/A
3490 subsystem with Cartridge System Tape
and IDRC ratio of 3 to 1
0.6GB 3.0GB N/A
3490E subsystem with Cartridge System Tape
and IDRC ratio of 1 to 1
0.4GB 2.0GB N/A
3490E subsystem with Cartridge System Tape
and IDRC ratio of 2 to 1
0.8GB 4.0GB N/A
3490E subsystem with Cartridge System Tape
and IDRC ratio of 3 to 1
1.2GB 6.0GB N/A
3490E subsystem with Enhanced Capacity
Cartridge System Tape and IDRC ratio of 1 to 1
0.8GB 4.0GB N/A
3490E subsystem with Enhanced Capacity
Cartridge System Tape and IDRC ratio of 2 to 1
1.6GB 8.0GB N/A
3490E subsystem with Enhanced Capacity
Cartridge System Tape and IDRC ratio of 3 to 1
2.4GB 12.0GB N/A
3590 Bxx model subsystem with IBM 3590 High
Performance Cartridge Tape uncompressed
10GB N/A 100GB
3590 Bxx model subsystem with IBM 3590
Extended High Performance Cartridge Tape
20GB N/A 200GB
3590 Bxx model subsystem with IBM 3590 High
Performance Cartridge Tape and a compression
ratio of 2 to 1
20GB N/A 200GB
3590 Bxx model subsystem with IBM 3590
Extended High Performance Cartridge Tape
and a compression ratio of 2 to 1
40GB N/A 400GB
3590 Bxx model subsystem with IBM 3590 High
Performance Cartridge Tape and a compression
ratio of 3 to 1
30GB N/A 300GB
82 3590 Operator Guide