
Table 4. Intervention and Device Activity Messages (continued)
Message Message Meaning
These messages indicate error conditions that operators can resolve, such as
Lock magazine. See Table 5 on page 24.
Routine Messages
Mvolser The M prompts the operator to mount volser in the priority cell.
This message prefixed with an asterisk (*) prompts the operator to put a
cleaning cartridge in the priority cell.
Dvolser The D prompts the operator to remove volser from the priority cell.
FID 2 Messages
These messages report a degraded device condition. The customer can
schedule a service call.
FID 3 Messages
These messages report a degraded device condition. The customer can
schedule a service call.
FID 4 Messages
These messages report a service circuitry failure. The customer can schedule a
service call.
Intervention messages are 1-part or 2-part messages. Two-part messages
consist of two 8-character message parts that alternate. The message types are
FID1 messages, attention messages, routine messages, FID2 messages, FID3
messages, and FID4 messages. A brief description of each message follows:
v FID1 Messages
The device generates a FID1 message when a hardware failure occurs
within the device. This error condition message has priority over all other
types of messages, and persists until corrected. Maintenance personnel uses
the FID code to identify the failing units within the device. (Menu
selections may overwrite FID messages temporarily.) Messages are in a bold
The format of these messages is FID1 xy. FID1 indicates to the operator
that a failure occurred, and xy is the replaceable portion of the device.
Figure 7 on page 18 shows an example of FID1 C6, which indicates that the
machine reel motor has a fault.
Chapter 3. Drive Operator Panel and Controls 17