
Chapter 3. Drive Operator Panel and Controls
Operator Panel Display
The operator panel provides a menu-driven operator and service interface
through a liquid crystal display assembly. Displays include operator menus
and service menus, device status, activities, error conditions, and data. See
Table 1 for panel displayed characters.
Table 1. Message-Display Symbols
Characters Symbols
Alphabetic A through Z
Numeric 0123456789
National @$#
Special ,./ ()*&+−=
Other “% :_<>?;øV
Note: A blank is considered a special character. All characters not listed in this table,
including nulls X'00', are displayed as blanks.
All lowercase alphabetic characters are converted to uppercase.
Several languages are available on the 3590. Regardless of country, the fonts
and translations for all of these languages are included in each microcode
release. Selection of the desired language is through the operator panel. To
change languages, the operator selects the desired language from the “Change
Language Menu” on page 45.
Operator tasks include making selections from the operator menus.
Unload Drive is a selection from the “Options Menu” on page 31. This menu
selection causes a loaded cartridge to be rewound and unloaded from the
device. The device will not accept any motion commands after you select
Unload Drive. If the device has data in the buffers, the device will
synchronize the data before rewinding. The host receives status appropriate to
the error if the device cannot synchronize the buffers. Selecting Unload Drive
immediately causes the device to become Not Ready; the operator panel
displays “UNLOADED.”
The device address is set by the operator through a menu selection (see “Set
Address Menu” on page 37 for SCSI and “Fibre Address Menu” on page 40 for
Fibre Channel.). Two selected SCSI or Fibre Channel IDs are associated with
one device interface. Each SCSI ID consists of one hexidecimal character that
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