
Table 5. Operator Messages (continued)
Message Operator Response
Operator intervention or possible service representative corrective
action required.
Select Unload on the operator panel and press Enter. If the device fails
to unload the cartridge, note any FID messages and call your service
1. Operator intervention required.
2. The drive attempted to unload a cartridge, but had no place to put
it. The magazine handle was moved while the drive was unloading
a cartridge, or, a tape was present in the slot where ACF transport
tried to unload, so tape cartridge is still left in transport. Action:
Do not remove the magazine while the status area on the operator
panel is displaying Transferring.
3. Unload priority slot.
4. Service representative intervention may be required.
Operator intervention or possible service representative corrective
action required.
Select Unload on the operator panel and press Enter. If the device fails
to unload the cartridge, note any FID messages and call your service
1. Ensure that the cartridge is not broken and the leader block is
intact. See Damaged Cartridgeson page 87 and Leader Block
Replacementon page 90.
2. Ensure that the cartridge is a 3590 compatible-type cartridge. Also,
check the location of the tape and the leader block.
Operator action required:
Remove and replace the magazine. Try another magazine. If the
condition persists or a FID message is displayed, report any FID codes
to your service representative.
Operator action required:
ACF mode incorrect for the command. For more information, see
Modes of Operationon page 55.
Operator Panel Menus
The operator panel allows information to be passed from the device to the
operator and back to the device. The operator and service representative can
be presented menu-driven options for device operation. Examples include the
display of SCSI port addresses and operator panel languages.
Options that are unavailable are displayed in a lighter dotted font, and cannot
be selected. The example in Figure 8 on page 29 shows the Unload Drive
28 3590 Operator Guide