
status at initial status time if the command is
accepted and channel command retry is not
immediate mode. In tape-write-immediate
mode, channel end and device end are presented
implicitly activated. A process in which the
attributes of an identifier are determined by
default. Contrast with explicitly activated.
index. A function performed by the cartridge
loader that moves cartridges down the input or
output stack one cartridge position. A loader can
perform multiple consecutive indexes.
initiator. A SCSI device that requests an I/O
process to be performed by another SCSI device
(a target). In many cases, an initiator can also be
a target.
input/output channel. In a data-processing
system, a functional unit, controlled by the
processing unit, that handles the transfer of data
between main storage and peripheral equipment.
install. To set up for use or service. The act of
adding a product, feature, or function to a
system or device either by a singular change or
by the addition of multiple components or
interchange application. The preparation of
tapes for use on other systems or devices, either
local or remote, or the use of tape data prepared
by another system.
interposer. An interposer is a part used to
convert a 68-pin connector to a 50-pin D-shell
invoke. To petition for help or support. The
request for a feature or function to be utilized in
future processing activities through the use of
software or hardware commands.
journaling. Recording transactions against a
dataset so that the dataset can be reconstructed
by applying transactions in the journal against a
previous version of the dataset.
KB. Kilobyte; 1 024 bytes of storage.
LED. Common abbreviation for Light Emitting
loader. See cartridge loader.
load point. The beginning of the recording area
on magnetic tape.
logical end of tape. A point on the tape where
written data normally ends.
LSB. Least significant bit.
long wave. A Fibre Channel cable that has a
1400 nm wave length.
LUN. Logical unit number.
MB. Megabyte; 1 048 576 bytes of storage.
magnetic recording. A technique of storing data
by selectively magnetizing portions of a
magnetizable material.
magnetic tape. A tape with a magnetizable
surface layer on which data can be stored by
magnetic recording.
magnetic tape drive. A mechanism for moving
magnetic tape and controlling its movement.
manual mode. A mode of operation that can be
selected on the cartridge loader. This mode
allows a single tape cartridge feed, performed by
the operator.
media capacity. The amount of data that can be
contained on storage media and expressed in
bytes of data.
136 3590 Operator Guide