
Chapter 9. Environmental and Shipping Information
This chapter provides environmental, shipping, security, and disposal
information for the 3590 tape cartridge.
Operating and Storage Environment
Operating Environment
The 3590 tape cartridge operating environment, for tape subsystems, is as
v 15.6°C to 32.2°C (60°Fto90°F) dry bulb
v 20 to 80 percent of relative humidity
v 25.6°C (78°F) maximum wet bulb
Note: Before you use a cartridge, condition it to the operating environment
for a time equal to the time it was out of the operating environment. It
is not necessary to condition it to the operating environment beyond 24
hours if the cartridge has been out of the operating environment
beyond 24 hours.
Storage Environment
The best storage container for the cartridges, until opened, is the original
shipping container. The plastic wrapping prevents dirt from accumulating on
the cartridges and partially protects them from humidity changes.
Cartridges can be stored within the following temperature ranges and the
following humidity ranges:
v 4.4°C to 32.2°C (40°Fto90°F) dry bulb
v 5 to 80 percent of relative humidity
v 26.7°C (80°F) maximum wet bulb
Note: IBM does not recommend continuous, extended storage of the tape
cartridges in the maximum temperature environment and the
maximum humidity environment. However, if necessary, you can store
the cartridges in the maximum-condition environment for up to four
weeks without damaging the data or the cartridge.
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