Scratch Live allows you to record one of three
stereo signals from the SL 3:
• Left (deck) in
• Right (deck) in
• Aux in
Stereo recording is possible even while using
two stereo vinyl control inputs.
Click on the downward arrow (icon) to get
the drop menu displaying the three possible
record sources.
Select the desired source and press the record
icon to start recording.
The record icon ashes while recording and
the display shows the elapsed recording time.
Press the record icon again to stop the
To save the recording, type in a name for the
recording and click the save icon.
The recording is automatically placed in a crate
named “RECORDED”. If the crate does not
already exist, it will be created automatically.
To start a new recording without saving,
simply click the record button again.
Recordings can be loaded onto the decks,
renamed, and managed like other les.
Recordings are saved in “MyDocuments\My-
Music\ScratchLive\Recording” on a PC and “~/
Music/ScratchLive/Recording Temp” on a Mac.
Recordings are saved as 24-bit, 48 kHz stereo
AIFF les.
Adjust the record gain using the record gain
knob. The meters tell you the level of your audio.
Ideally the meters should sit just below the red,
meaning your signal is as loud as it can be
without clipping.
Note that you can also use the Virtual Deck’s
output level meter to monitor the input level.
To do this, eject the loaded track from the
appropriate Virtual Deck - The left Virtual Deck
if recording from input one, or the right Virtual
Deck if recording from input two. You can now
see the input level on the Virtual Deck’s higher
resolution stereo meter.
• The keyboard shortcut ctrl-n turns recording
on and off.
• You can load a recording without saving it
using the short cut keys shift left arrow to the
left deck or shift right arrow to the right deck.
Save File
Name Box
Save File
• If the Virtual Deck is set to int mode and is
unloaded, the input record level is sent to the
Virtual Deck’s higher resolution stereo meters.
E.g., if you’re recording from the right deck,
set the right Virtual Deck to int, eject the track
if there is one loaded, and the Virtual Deck’s
meters will show the signal coming into the
right deck’s input.
SampLIng FROm vInyL
You can use the SL 3 interface to sample from
vinyl or any other sound source. If you click the
triangle next to the record button, you’ll see you
can record from Aux, Left (deck) or Right (deck).
An input level adjustment knob to the right of the
level indicators boosts or attenuates the input
signal up to 12 dB.
To record your DJ mix in Scratch Live:
1. Connect an output (i.e., booth, session, aux or
2nd master output) from your DJ mixer into the
AUX in of the SL 3.
2. Select AUX as the record source in Scratch
3. Adjust the input level to a suitable volume. Be
sure the red overload LED stays off.
4. Begin recording. Details are the same as steps
3 to 7 under RECORDING.