
Chapter 7: Managed Powerstrips
Configuring PowerStrips Connected to KX, KX2, KX2-101, KSX2, and P2SC
CC-SG automatically detects PowerStrips connected to KX, KX2,
KX2-101, KSX2, and P2SC devices. You can perform the following tasks
in CC-SG to configure and manage PowerStrips connected to these
Add a PowerStrip Device Connected to a KX, KX2, KX2-101,
KSX2, or P2SC Device (on page 95)
Move a KX, KX2, KX2-101, KSX2, or P2SC's PowerStrip to a
Different Port (on page 95)
Delete a PowerStrip Connected to a KX, KX2, KX2-101, KSX2, or
P2SC Device (on page 96)
Add a PowerStrip Device Connected to a KX, KX2, KX2-101, KSX2,
or P2SC Device
When you add a KX, KX2, KX2-101, KSX2, or P2SC device that is
connected to a PowerStrip to CC-SG, the PowerStrip is added
automatically. The PowerStrip will appear in the Devices tab, beneath
the device to which it is connected.
Next Steps:
1. Configure outlets. See Configuring Outlets on a PowerStrip (on
page 99).
2. Associate each outlet with the node that it powers. See Interfaces
for Managed Powerstrip Connections (on page 130).
Move a KX, KX2, KX2-101, KSX2, or P2SC's PowerStrip to a
Different Port
When you physically move a PowerStrip from one KX, KX2, KX2-101,
KSX2, or P2SC device or port to another KX, KX2, KX2-101, KSX2, or
P2SC device or port, CC-SG automatically detects the PowerStrip and
updates its association to the correct device. You do not have to add the
PowerStrip to CC-SG separately.
Note: When you physically remove a PowerStrip from a P2SC port but
do not connect it to another port, CC-SG does not remove the
PowerStrip from the old port. You must perform a partial or full database
reset of the UMT to which the PowerStrip is connected to remove the
PowerStrip from the Devices tab. See the Raritan P2SC User Guide.