
Chapter 5: Associations, Categories, and Elements
Select Integer if the value is a number.
5. In the Applicable For field, select whether this category applies to:
Devices, Nodes, or Device and Nodes.
6. Click OK to create the new category. The new category name
appears in the Category Name field.
Delete a Category
Deleting a category deletes all of the elements created within that
category. The deleted category will no longer appear in the Nodes or
Devices trees once the screen refreshes or the user logs out and then
logs back into CC-SG.
To delete a category:
1. Choose Associations > Association.
2. Click the Category Name drop-down arrow and select the category
you want to delete.
3. Click Delete in the Category panel of the screen to delete the
category. The Delete Category window opens.
4. Click Yes to delete the category.
Add an Element
To add an element:
1. Choose Associations > Association.
2. Click the Category Name drop-down arrow and select the category
to which you want to add a new element.
3. Click the Add a new row icon.
4. Type the new element name in the blank row. See Naming
Conventions (on page 389) for details on CC-SG's rules for name
lengths. Element names are case-sensitive.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
Adding Categories and Elements with CSV File Import
You can add categories and elements to CC-SG by importing a CSV file
that contains the values. You must have the User Security Management
and CC Setup and Control privileges to import and export categories and