
Chapter 8: Nodes, Node Groups, and Interfaces
See Interfaces for Out-of-Band KVM, Out-of-Band Serial
Connections (on page 128).
Power Control Connections:
Power Control - DRAC: Select this item to create a power control
connection to a Dell DRAC server.
Power Control - iLO Processor: Select this item to create a power
control connection to an HP iLO/RILOE server.
Power Control - IPMI: Select this item to create a power control
connection to a node with an IPMI connection.
Power Control - Integrity ILO2: Select this item to create a power
control connection to an HP Integrity server or other servers that
support Integrity ILO2.
Power Control - Power IQ Proxy: Select this item to create a
power control connection to a Power IQ IT device.
Power Control - RSA: Select this item to create a power control
connection to an RSA server.
See Interfaces for DRAC Power Control Connections (on
page 129)
Interfaces for ILO Processor, Integrity ILO2 , and RSA Power
Control Connections (on page 129)
Interfaces for Power IQ Proxy Power Control Connections
(on page 132)
Managed Powerstrip Connections:
Managed PowerStrip: Select this item to create a power control
connection to a node powered through a Raritan PowerStrip or
Dominion PX device.
See Interfaces for Managed Powerstrip Connections (on
page 130).
Web Browser Connections:
Web Browser: Select this item to create a connection to a device
with an embedded Web server.
See Web Browser Interface (on page 133).
3. A default name appears in the Name field depending on the type of
interface you select. You can change the name. This name appears
next to the interface in the Nodes list. See Naming Conventions (on
page 389) for details on CC-SG's rules for name lengths.