Chapter 6: Devices, Device Groups, and Ports
The Device Profile includes tabs that contain information about the
Associations tab
The Associations tab contains all categories and elements assigned to
the node. You can change the associations by making different
selections. See Associations, Categories, and Elements (on page 41).
Location & Contacts tab
The Location & Contacts tab contains information about a device's
location and contact information, such as phone numbers, that you may
need when working on a device. You can change the information in the
fields by typing in new information. See Adding Location and Contacts
to a Device Profile (on page 59).
Notes tab
The Notes tab contains a tool that enables users to leave notes about a
device for other users to read. All notes display in the tab with the date,
username, and IP address of the user who added the note.
If you have the Device, Port, and Node Management privilege, you can
clear all notes from the node profile by clicking Clear.
See Adding Notes to a Device Profile (on page 58).
Blades tab
Blade chassis nodes, such as IBM BladeCenter, include the Blades tab.
The Blades tab contains information about the blade servers residing in
the blade chassis.
In addition to viewing the blade information, you can configure the
unconfigured blade servers by selecting the checkboxes that correspond
to them in this tab.
See Configuring Slots on a Blade Chassis Device (on page 65).
Topology View
Topology View displays the structural setup of all connected appliances
in your configuration.
Until you close the Topology View, this view replaces the Device Profile
screen that normally appears when a device is selected.
To open the topology view:
1. Click the Devices tab and select the device whose topological view
you want to see.