
Chapter 9: Users and User Groups
Import Users
Once you've created the CSV file, validate it to check for errors then
import it.
Duplicate records are skipped and are not added.
1. Choose Administration > Import > Import Users.
2. Click Browse and select the CSV file to import. Click Open.
3. Click Validate. The Analysis Report area shows the file contents.
If the file is not valid, an error message appears. Click OK and
look at the Problems area of the page for a description of the
problems with the file. Click Save to File to save the problems
list. Correct your CSV file and then try to validate it again. See
Troubleshoot CSV File Problems (on page 371).
4. Click Import.
5. Check the Actions area to see the import results. Items that imported
successfully show in green text. Items that failed import show in red
text. Items that failed import because a duplicate item already exists
or was already imported also show in red text.
6. To view more import results details, check the Audit Trail report. See
Audit Trail Entries for Importing (on page 370).
Export Users
The export file contains all users that have a user account created in
CC-SG. This excludes AD-authorized users, unless they also have a
user account created on CC-SG.
The export file includes user and the details from the user profile, user
groups, user group permissions and policies, associated AD modules.
Passwords export as a blank field.
To export users:
1. Choose Administration > Export > Export Users.
2. Click Export to File.
3. Type a name for the file and choose the location where you want to
save it
4. Click Save.